Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bandanna-Cup-Marble Teambuilding Game

This is a great, easy to use exercise that makes key learning points about each group member's responsibility to both follow and lead. Make sure you facilliatate this powerful debrief!

Group Size: 4 to 10 people per bandana
Time: 5 – 15 minutes
Space: Medium – Lots
Set Up Time: 60 seconds
Props: For each team of 6-10 people: one plastic cup, one bandana,one marble
Objective: Transport a marble balanced on a cup from one point to another.

Set Up / Preparation:
Create groups of about 8 people and supply each group with one bandana, one marble and one plastic cup (the plastic cup should have some kind of lip on the bottom of it).

The group surrounds the bandana and holds on to it with both hands along the edges creating a tabletop effective. The cup is now placed up side down on the bandana then the marble is placed on top of / balanced on the cup. The group is now asked to transport the bandana-cup-marble from one point to another.

1. If the marble falls off the group must start again.
2. Everyone must hold on to the edge of the bandana with both hands.
3. The bandana must be kept tight and flat.
4. The supplied equipment (props) may not be altered.
5. No other supplies may be used.

After everyone is set to go with the activity, ask them to place their bandana-cup-marble assembly on a small table in an adjacent room SIMULTANEOUSLY. There should be only one doorway to the other room so the teams are forced to wait on each other. The table should be small to force the groups to communicate and create a plan.


Have everyone circle up in their small groups and answer the following questions:

What metaphorically is the bandana, cup, marble, and table relative to your job in this organization?

What was your rolw in contributing to successs?

What got in the way?

More Variations
1. Place obstacles in the path of the group such as a tables or chairs. Consider
having the group go up a flight of stairs.
2. Use a taller cup and a larger, denser ball (like a baseball) to make this lots

p>*From www.teachmeteamwork.com

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